Youth and Success
Let me begin today by taking a realistic look at our lives.I am not writing this to preach to you or to give you some dos or dont's about life,but let us together take a look within us.What is your present condition?Do you have a vision for your life and are all set to achieve it or are you helplessly caught in the current of life?Do you consider yourself a success or a failure?Do you meet the right kind of people and make the right decisions or are you indecisive and dilly-dallying through life?Do you reap the fruits for your hardwork or do things go wrong at the last minute?Are you a last minute failure?Are you a happy,self confident and frindly extrovert or do you tend to be withdrawn and have very few friends?Can you enjoy every moment of your life- be it hard work,health,relationships or pleasure for that matter.If you identify with any of the above then this is for you.Be integral to your self and then answer the above questions.Being honest with yourself and your God is the key essential to find true happiness.
Two of the most important things for a youth are success and joy."A successful person who is not happy is a danger to the society while an unsuccessful person who is kind and helpful is no use to the society either.Only a successful individual with a compassionate heart could be a complete human being"Mahakavyas of Shri Bhagwan.Looking deeper, don't we see that in all our endeavours,be it search for fame,intelligence,beauty,wealth or our relationships,we ultimately only seek success and joy.Every one of us dream of a successful and happy future.Then what are the factors that might hinder us from achieving these goals?Where and why could things possibly go wrong?
Sri Bhagwan says that one must look within and understand the mind to find answers to these questions.The mind has two levels,the conscious and the unconscious.The unconscious is a storehouse of all fears,traumas and negative decisions in one,s life.Unfortunately most human beings are unaware of the unconscious.Not only are they unaware,but their lives are also being ruled by the unconscious.It is from the unconscious that all negative energies are released which manifest as problems,obstacles and suffering in our lives.
There was a boy from Mumbai who had come to the Oneness University.He was the youngest of the sons in the family.He was very intelligent but somehow,never serious about his life.The father constantly compared him with his elder brother.Unable to put up with the comparison,the boy started hating his father and brothers.Hatred destroyed his joy and creativity.As long the unconscious ruled his life,he was a miserable failure.Only when Sri Bhagwan freed him from the cluthes of the unconscious could he begin a new life.
Then what is the solution?As youth,it is Sri Bhagwan,s desire that you achieve what ever vision you have set for yourself and at the same time enjoy your life too.Sri Bhagwan always says,"Life is to be experienced and enjoyed completely."Be it hardwork,success,failure,good food,clothes,entertainment,good relationships or even spirituality,every aspect of life has to be totally lived.Infact a truly spiritual person is one who enjoys life.That is what spirituality is all about.
Close your eyes and become conscious of your relationship with yourself.How do you feel about yourself.(for fifteen minutes do this sadhana)Remember inner integrity is the key to true happiness.So for yourself be true to your self.